Thursday, October 7, 2010

Long time -no post

WOW, its been a long time since I have posted, so much has happened to me and my family. Paul and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary- I cant believe that it has been a year already! I am now an Assistant Principal at 2 elementary schools in our county, my little sister is pregnant again and Keirsten and I had a table at a local craft fair. Here are some of the items that I sold- altered canvases- i even had 2 people that pre-ordered ones for me to complete and mail to them! Pretty impressive right???

These are some altered dominoes that i colored with alcohol inks and made into necklaces and pins-

This is an altered canvas that i did-and sold at the show

This is another altered canvas that I did, I mailed it to my good friend Fran in VA.


Amber said...

Cool stuff! I bet the craft fair was fun!

Amber said...

Cool stuff! I bet the craft fair was fun!